Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Demographic danger! Why Muslim population growth is alarming

Source: Niticentral.com

Kiran Kumar S

Recently, I had a discussion on the religious demographics in India. One obvious question that came up was why the UPA Government hasn’t made the religious demographics data from 2011 census public yet?
It’s been three years since 2011 census data is available with the Government. Is three years’ time not long enough for any Government to make public; one of the most crucial part of the census? The religious demographics data shows religious populations by proportion. There are lots of theories around as to why this key data is not made public.
This made me curious about reviewing the prior census data more carefully.
This, below, is the only Hindu-Muslim demographics data from 2001 census that I could gather from India’s census website.
The two things which need to be highlighted are:-
» In 2001, 18.7 per cent of the Muslim population was in the 0-6 age-group. By 2014, they will be in their 13-19 age-group. For Hindus, it is 15.6 per cent which means that Muslims, on an average, have three more teenagers than the Hindus for every 100 people in their community. Within a few years, this group will be into their reproductive age.
» Female literacy rate in the Hindus was just 3.1 per cent more than that in the Muslims.
When talking about the number of children in a family, the female literacy rate is very important factor. There is not much difference between female literacy rates in the Hindus and in the Muslims. Then why the Total Fertility Rate (TFR), which is a universal scale to measure growth/decline rate of a particular community, is more in the Muslims than in the Hindus? 2001 census says that the Muslims had a TFR of 4.1, while the Hindus had 3.1. It means that in 2001, an average Muslim woman gave birth to four children and an average Hindu woman gave birth to three. One child more per family means; the Muslims on an average produced 32.26 per cent more children than the Hindus. To keep this article purely based on data, I am not including Sachhar Committee report, Uniform Civil Code, conversions, reservations, food habits and other such topics.
While studying this data, I came across a few more key questions. All data tend to indicate that, clearly, there is a religious reason for the Muslims to produce more children than other religious communities. This is a strong conclusion, but I couldn’t find anything else that can explain such significantly high population growth rate.
If you don’t agree with me, and still believe that there is not much of a difference between the Muslim population growth rate and the Hindu population growth rate or if some committees made you believe that this difference is due to their educational or economic reasons, then the following questions are for you.
Key questions on the Hindu-Muslim population growth rate in India:
Q1: Between 1991 and 2001, India’s Muslim population grew at around 36 per cent and that of the Hindus at around 20 per cent. When there is not much difference between literacy rates and per capita incomes of the Hindus and the Muslims, then why there is this big difference in their respective population growth rate?
Q2: What can be the reason as to why the UPA Government has not released religious census details since 2011? Is it mainly because the psychological point of the Hindus constituting 80 per cent of our country’s population would have disappeared?
Q3: Azam Khan with Mulayam Singh Yadav called for a separate Muslim Pradesh in India’s largest State (UP), a few years back. Why do you think he is so confident of even calling for something as unconstitutional as this? Imam Bukhari, Akbaruddin Owaisi and many others keep talking about 20, 25 and 30 crore Muslims. Do they know something that a common man doesn’t know? By the way, the Samajwady Party and the MIM are still considered secular by Indian standards.
Q4: Two well-known professional demographers, late PN Mari Bhat and AJ Francis Zavier, had concluded that the fertility of the Muslims, which was about 10 per cent higher than that of the Hindus before independence, became 25 to 30 per cent higher than the Hindu rate by the end of 20th century. Taking the analysis further, the current Muslim population could be growing at a rate nearly 35 to 45 percent higher than that of the Hindus. The exact percentage can be contested; but the fact that it is a huge differential compared to the Hindu rate, can’t be snubbed. Why is this big difference?
Q5: Many claim that the higher Muslim fertility rate has been because of their poverty and illiteracy. But, close to 36 per cent of Indian Muslims live in urban areas; while only 26 per cent of Hindus do so. Also, the Muslims have a higher life expectancy at birth than the Hindus. Life expectancy is 68 years for the Muslims as against only 65 years for the Hindus, as revealed by National Family Health Survey (NFHS) of 2005-2006. But despite all this, the fertility rate of the Muslims continues to be higher than that of the Hindus. Why?
Q6: Take Kerala, for example, which is India’s most literate State. According to the National Family Health Survey 2 of 1998-99, the literacy level of the Hindus and the Muslims in Kerala was almost equal. The Muslims, there, are better off than the Hindus economically because of big remittances from Gulf countries. Still, the population growth rate of the Muslims has remained higher than that of the Hindus by 45 per cent. Why?
Q7: In Kerala, in 2001, the TFR for the Hindus was at 1.64 which is below the replacement level of 2.1. The State of Kerala has witnessed a massive increase in the Muslim population which rose from approximately 2375000 in 1951 to 7864000 in 2001. During the same period, the population of the Hindus grew from 8348000 to 1792000, and that of the Christians increased from 2826000 to 6057000. During the same period, the Hindus percentage in Kerala‘s population declined from 61.61 to 56.28, while that of the Muslims increased from 17.53 to 24.70. Interestingly the Christians, another minority group, saw their population percentage decline from 20.86 in 1951 to 19.02 in 2001. There’s a very good chance that in 2014, the population of Kerala’s Hindus (including HINOs – Hindus in Name only) would be below 50 per cent. Why?
Q8: A simple analysis of census 2001 shows that on an average, every Muslim woman is giving birth to at least one more child than a Hindu woman. The NFHS-3 (2005- 06) data shows that the prevalence of modern contraception like sterilisation, pills, IUD and condom is low among the Muslims at 36 per cent usage rate, compared to that in the Hindus at 50 per cent. So, growth rate in the Muslim population, in the next few decades, is likely to increase unless they start family planning. Is there any other reason to explain this significant one child difference between the two communities, other than religious?
Q9: An analysis of the 0-6 year age-group data from 2001 census reveals that out of 35 States and Union Territories, the percentage of the Muslims in that age-group was higher than that of the Hindus in as many as 31 States and Union Territories. While the percentage of the Hindus in that age-group was marginally higher than the Muslims only in two States of Sikkim, Madhya Pradesh and two Union Territories of Daman & Diu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. It proves that in the coming decades, the Muslim population will grow at a higher rate than that of the Hindus in 31 States and Union Territories of India. Maybe, already it is happening as the data is 14-15 years old. Why there is such alarming difference in 31 out of the 35 States and Union Territories?
Q10: In India, in 2001, 15.6 per cent of the Hindus’ population was in 0-6 age group, while for the Muslims it was much higher at 18.7 per cent. There is a possibility that population of the Muslims in 0-6 age-group can be much higher than reported due to large scale illegal immigration of Bangladeshis to India (which Asom’s CM will deny for obvious political reasons). Hence today, the Muslims, for sure, have more children producing population within their community when compared to other groups. So, you can relatively expect more percentage growth of the Muslims in 2021 and 2031 census.
Q11: Let’s have a look at the States where the Muslims had better literacy rate than that of the Hindus in 2001. As per 2001 census, in Andhra Pradesh, the Hindu male and female literacy rate was 69.5 per cent and 49.2 per cent respectively, while that of the Muslim male and female was 76.5 per cent and 59.1 per cent respectively. But still, in 2001, the Total Fertility Rate for the Muslims was 0.5 higher than that of the Hindus. Why?
Similarly, in Gujarat, the Hindu male and female literacy rate was 79.1 per cent and 56.7 per cent respectively, while that of the Muslim male and female was 84.1 per cent and 71.2 per cent respectively. Even with such lead in literacy rate, the Muslim’s TFR was 0.2 above that of the Hindus. Why?
Q12: If you take a look at a State where Muslim literacy rate is lesser than that of the Hindus, the difference in TFR is alarming. In Haryana, in 2001, the Muslims had 35 per cent less literacy rate than that of the Hindus. But the TFR was 3.2 above that of the Hindus. The Muslims were producing 3 babies per woman more than the Hindus. Why?
Q13: In every region of India, the difference is stark and uniform. According to the 2001 census, in the North East, the Muslims produced more than 5 children on an average in 30 districts whereas the Hindus produced more than 5 children only in 2 districts (Thanks to illegal immigrants from Bangladesh). In Eastern part of India, the Muslims produced more than 5 babies in 35 districts as against the Hindus doing so only in 5 districts. In the west, the Muslims produced more than 5 babies in 8 districts as against the Hindus doing so only in 2 districts. In the North-West, the Muslims produced more than 5 babies in 31 districts as against the Hindus doing so only in 6 districts. In the south, the Muslims produced more than 3 babies per family in 24 districts whereas the Hindus produced more than 3 babies per family only in 5 districts. Overall in India, the Muslims produced more than 5 children on an average in 104 districts whereas the Hindus produced more than 5 children on an average only in just 15 districts.
Also, the Hindus produced less than 2 kids on an average in 79 districts of India whereas Muslims produced less than 2 kids on an average in just 26 districts of India. These differences may be much more striking in 2011 census, considering various factors discussed till now. This alarming difference must be explained. How do you explain this, friends?
Q14: In the year 1900, the Muslims constituted only 12 per cent of the world population; they grew to 18 per cent in 1992-93 (when Huntington published his first thesis on the clash of civilizations). Today, the Muslims constitute nearly 24 per cent of the world population. Don’t you see a pattern across the world, when it comes to relative population growth of all the religious groups?
Enough questions for now! These questions are just to initiate academic discussions and debates based on facts and figures instead of emotions and ideologies. It looks amply clear that religion is the prime reason because of which the Muslim population in India is growing way faster than that of the Hindus (and other groups). All other reasons look trivial.
But you can prove me wrong. Go ahead!
Anyone, with a correction or a question about the data produced above, is welcome.
PS: I have collated this data from various presentations and graphs that are all available on the internet. Since the numbers are from different researchers such as S Irudaya Rajan, Ram Kumar Ohri, A Surya Prakash and Aariz Mohammed, there might be small differences. You can contest or correct the facts.

Ban 'On Hinudism', another book by Wendy doniger

Shiksha Bachao Andolan Samiti last week demanded that the Aleph Book Company stop sales and pulp all remaining copies of Doniger's book, "On Hinduism," published in 2013. 
Dina Nath Batra, who led the charge against Doniger's previous book, claimed the contents of "On Hinduism" were, like the previous work, "malicious and offending.”
"She has used derogatory terms for Hindu deities, which hurts the sentiments of devotees," Batra charged. 
"It is part of a conspiracy hatched by the children of (Karl) Marx and (Thomas) Macaulay to tarnish the image of Hindu culture. There are certain pseudo-secularists who are behind this conspiracy," he added.
Doniger's 2009 book, " The Hindus: An Alternative History," was pulped by Penguin following a row over its contents. She was accused by SBAS of using "derogatory” content that is “offending to Hinduism" besides misrepresentation of facts. 
Atul Kothari, co-convener of SBAS, claimed the publisher had agreed to pulp “On Hinduism,” and that the group would take legal recourse if the book was not withdrawn.
"We have been given an oral assurance by the publishers that the sales of the book will be stalled. The publishers have been given a week's time to provide an assurance in writing, failing which, SBAS would... move the judiciary," Kothari said. 
The publisher, when contacted, however, declined to comment on the issue. 
Read more at http://www.indiawest.com/news/17303-second-doniger-group-faces-threat.html#7lJDM71S91ar2Fo5.99

Beware of Valentine's Day - A cultural conversion of Hindus !

Beware of Valentine's Day - A cultural conversion of Hindus !


HJS call youth to oust 'Valentine's Day'

        Focussing their attention on only materialistic development while dreaming about making Bharat a 'Super Power', the so called Secular rulers have completely neglected our culture. As a result of this, youth of this country is keen on following the western culture like 'Valentine's Day' forgetting great Bharatiya culture. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) is calling upon the youth to oust Western 'Valentine's Day' which ruins their morality and be proud of their own mother tongue, Nation and Dharma. This call is given by HJS in order to dissuade the youth from celebrating the 'Valentine's Day' on 14th February.

1. Introduction

        14th February is popularly known as 'Valentine's Day'. Adolescent girls and boys express their love for each other by exchanging flowers and gifts as a token of love on this day. Most of the times, these adolescents indulge in immoral acts under the pretext of 'Valentine's Day'. Does real love require this superficial display and can it be confined to just one day? 'Valentine's Day' is responsible for the propagation of western culture and incitement of youth towards unrestrained behaviour. It is the western custom to put parents in old age homes and then celebrate flashy Mother's Day and Father's Day love which is put on display for just one day ! Now this madness is taking root in our beloved Hindustan which has the richest and most sublime culture in the world.
        Is love only limited to physical attraction ? Love is present in sacred relationships such as the Guru and the disciple, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers and even towards ones motherland. If young revolutionaries, such as Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Madan Lal Dhingra and Chapekar who sacrificed their lives in their youth, had spent their days celebrating days such as Valentine's days then we would never be able to enjoy freedom today. What pain their souls must be suffering in seeing their dreams being shattered in this way !
        Shivaji Maharaj took the vow of establishing Hindavi Swarajya at a tender age of sixteen and went on to unite the Mawala youth of his age and thus sowed the seeds of Swarajya (self governance) and pride in Dharma. Why don't we look at these great people as our ideal? Do you really think that the so called 'Saint Valentine' who directs the youth towards the wrong path of allurement of woman is superior to the above mentioned Great men?
        It is said that love can conquer the world; then why couldn't we win Kashmir with love? If the love of 'Valentine' is so powerful then why can't his love change the hearts of terrorists creating havoc in Kashmir and killing innumerable innocent brethren of ours in rest of Hindustan? In today's times when 10 young terrorists from Pakistan attack our country with an intention to destroy it, why should our young generation in contrast get trapped in the celebration of 'Valentine's Day' ? Therefore this is a call to harness the power of our youth to turn them towards the defence of the Nation and Dharma...
O, Hindu Youth, Why fall for the trap of 'Valentine's Day'? Instead get ready to fight the calamities befalling the Nation and Hindu Dharma!

2. The History of Christian Saint (?) Valentine

        In the olden days Rome had the culture of Idol-worship. In those days, the period between February 13 to 15, used to be celebrated as the 'Reproduction Festival' and was called 'Lupercalia'. However to destroy their culture of idol worship and their Christianisation, Pope Galasis (First) connected Valentine with 14th February and started the practice of celebrating 'Valentine's Day'. There was no connection between 'Valentine's Day' and 'Love' until the fourteenth century.
        Similarly according to some, in third century AD, Saint Claudius (2nd) was a king of Rome. With a view to strengthen his army he gave a call to all the youth to join the army. He even made it compulsory for them to join the army, thinking that if they marry then they would be busy with their household and that would obstruct their love and duty towards their country; so he forced them not to marry. The people of the country did not appreciate this decision much. One of them was Christian priest, 'Saint Valentine'. He rebelled against the king's order. He instigated the youth against the king. Finally the king imprisoned him and gave a punishment to hang him. While in jail he was in love with the jailor's daughter. Valentine who had renounced all worldly things to become a priest, was himself got lured by the young daughter of the jailor. 'Valentine's Day' is celebrated in his memory. What benefit are Hindus going to derive by remembering such sinful Valentine?

3. 'Valentine's Day' (14th February) is not celebrated in many of the western countries!

        Bharatiyas feel great by celebrating averse western days like 'Valentine's Day' due to slavery to westerners. The fact is that in many western countries 'Valentine's Day' is not celebrated at all. Not only this, but while publishing the revised calendar of the Roman Catholic Saints in general, 'Valentine's Day' is omitted in it. If this is so then why should it be given so much importance in Bharat? Religious festivals, vowed religious observances (Vrat-Vaikalye) which have originated through Bharat's glorious culture have no parallel.
        There is science behind each festival. The sages and mendicants have written down in scriptures, how to celebrate each festival, what are its physical, mental and spiritual benefits etc. Many have attained glory by celebrating them even now. By following our culture we enhance good qualities and at the same time remove our personality defects. We imbibe Values. On the whole Bharatiya culture, celebration of these festivals are beneficial to whole humanity. The youth should keep before them Hindu National leaders as their ideal and they should try to celebrate their Birth and Death Anniversaries, thereby imbibing their qualities. It is everyone's duty to protect our culture and Nation from such western perverse attacks.

4. What is the harm in celebrating 'Valentine's Day' ?


  1. There is no scientific or cultural basis to celebrating this day.
  2. Valentine the 'saint' himself was involved in the anti-national acts during his time, then how one can get any benefit by celebrating this day in his name ?
  3. On this day young girls and boys come together at pubs, sea shores, hotels, colleges etc and indulge in indecent acts. A common person finds it difficult to even go around such places at this time. Some organisations organize such programs where the young boys and girls can stay together.
  4. The young students of schools and colleges are falling prey to this alien cultural influence and express their 'love' for each other by way of exchanging greeting cards. In reality what they experience at this tender and immature age is not love but a mere superficial attraction to the opposite sex.
  5. Psychiatrists can site several cases of people who have 'proposed' on 'Valentine's day' due to various shades of mental turmoil. Women who have been duped or lured by them and have married them have had to suffer great mental and physical torture.
  6. This practice is damaging as it results in a long lasting negative effect on any youth's career and also on society.
  7. The seeds of immorality which are planted on this day, later cause the destabilization of society through a general fall in morality.
  8. We can recognize a direct attack from an enemy outside but this cultural invasion is insidious and very difficult to recognize and so it is difficult to defend ourselves from its evil results.
  9. Cultural derailment always results in society heading towards destruction. This is what we are experiencing today in our Bharat (India).
  10. Many western countries do not celebrate this day. The Calendar of Roman Catholic Saints' was prepared in 1969, 'Valentines Day' was omitted from the general Roman calendar. If this is so, then why should we honour this day in our Hindustan?
  11. Western culture provides for placing parents in 'old age homes' and then superficially celebrates Mother's Day' and Father's Day' for just one day ! Can real love be limited to just a day ? Indian culture has a number of festivals that express love towards each other and these deep rooted bonds of love are an intrinsic part of our lifestyle.

5. The detrimental effects of 'Valentine's Day'!

Today we are blindly following the western culture under the name of 'Valentines Day'. The young students of schools and colleges are falling prey to such culture and express their love to each other by way of exchanging greeting cards. But actually speaking it is not love but a mere attraction to the opposite sex at a tender and immature age. During my practice of over 15 years I have seen several such mentally ill patients who have stuck to their mental illness by 'proposing' on 'Valentine's Day'. Following are some live examples -
1. One day one couple came to the Panchakarma Department of 'Yerala Ayurved College' for undergoing Pancha Karma treatment and health consultation. The woman was a Maharashtrian and the man was from Punjab. They had done inter-caste marriage. Both of them were studying at a private college. They were classmates. They had proposed to each other by way of exchanging love in the form of a greeting card on a Valentines Day function in the college. After the marriage however the man was found to be a sadist. The different nature and environment affected her emotional, mental and spiritual development and her condition deteriorated into a grave mental illness.
2. In a second case, a couple visited the 'Keraliya Ayurved Centre' at Panvel for psychological treatment. The husband was a Malyali and his wife a Maharashtrian. They got acquainted with each other while working in the office. They got married on Valentine's Day by going to a church. However after marriage she came to realize the huge difference between their culture, language, customs and in their intellectual level of functioning. This made a huge impact on the woman and lead to her health deteriorating. - Dr. Rajiv Bhosekar, Psychiatrist, Hyderabad, AP, Bharat.

6. 'Valentine's Day' confers no spiritual benefit !

1. In case of festivals and celebrations as per the Hindu Dharma, humans benefit from the divine frequencies transmitted from the Universe on these days. On the contrary, there is no such benefit in case of 'Valentine's Day.'
2. Various days of the likes of 'Valentine's Day' that have originated from the blind emulation of the western culture are based on materialism. A person who follows them acquires the raja-tama (raja-passion, tama-inertia and ignorance) pre-dominant state due to degradation of values and decency. On the contrary, regular practise of values, festivals, traditions and religious observances as per the Hindu culture helps one acquire a sattvik (pious) state of mind and makes one happy, content and balanced.

7. Bharatiya youth, do not blindly ape the Western culture but follow our age-old traditions and values!

        When someone extends a helping hand, a Westerner will acknowledge it by offering 'thanks' and walk away; whereas an Indian will never forget a good deed or a favour bestowed upon him by someone. Parents relentlessly toil for our happiness since our birth and it is next to impossible to repay this debt. That is the precise reason why the parents have been treated as Guru in Indian culture. Indian culture encourages the youth to express their love and respect for their parents by bowing and seeking their blessings everyday. We do not celebrate 'Father's or Mother's day' like Westerners. Present Indian young generation is blindly following Western culture by celebrating 'Friendship Day', 'Valentine's Day', 'Rose Day', 'Jeans's Day' etc. Such celebrations do not exhibit true love and gratitude but is an excuse for enjoyment and is just a formality without any meaning. The love shown through such celebration is restricted to a day. Today's youth should realize that what one owes to his parents can not be repaid by 'cutting cake', 'presenting a greetings card' or by celebrating a 'Day'; but the real repayment would be to become an ideal son or an ideal daughter i.e. to become an ideal citizen, to look after them like the great devotee 'Bhakta Prahlad'. 

8. An appeal to devout and patriotic citizens for Protection of Culture!

  • Meet Principals, Professors, the Board of Directors and Representatives of Students' organizations by going to Schools, Colleges and Private tuitions and request them to educate the youth against the observation of 'Valentine's Day' !
  • Create awareness in this regard amongst friends and contacts.
  • Distribute pamphlets such as this to prevent the celebration of 'Valentine's Day' !
  • Display the banners or boards in your area with such contents !
  • Lodge protests with those companies manufacturing greeting cards meant for canvassing 'Valentine's Day'!
  • Lodge protests with such colleges who silently give consent for celebrating 'Valentine's Day' by way of actual visits, telephone calls or other constitutional ways !

9. Remember the National Heroes for the protection of Nation and Dharma!

        The time has come when all the people including the young generation have to be explained about the depth in the divine meaning of Love. It is the need of the hour that those national heroes who have sacrificed so much for the love of this Hindu land ought to be remembered not only for the benefit of the young generation but also for the whole population to get ready for the protection of our languages, our Nation and our Dharma. Therefore do celebrate the following remembrance day programmes in February !

1. Death Anniversary of Revolutionary Vasudev Balwant Phadke (17th February)
2. Birth Anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (19th February)
3. Death Anniversary of Swatantryaveer V.D.Sawarkar (26th February)
4. Martyrdom Day of Chandrashekhar Azad (27th February)

On these occasions we can arrange image worship and lectures in schools, colleges, Chowks and educate the people about the current state of our languages, our nation and our Dharma.
Prevent the intellectual and cultural proselytization ( conversion) of Hindus on 'Valentine's Day'!
Source: http://www.hindujagruti.org/

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Endangered heritage : Pak Hindus struggles to protect its temples

For around 5,000 Hindus living in Rawalpindi, Krishna Mandir is the only place of worship left. The temple is built on a four marla plot which is not enough to accommodate the community’s growing numbers during religious ceremonies. But the fact that this temple remains is also nothing short of an achievement. There was a time when its future was also bleak and even today’s there are challenges to its daily existence.
Its not just about religious intolerance, which many remember from amongst the community here. The attacking and burning of temples and statues of Hindu deities in 1993 are still fresh in the mind of 79 year old Mahesh. “We [the Hindus] condemned the attack on Babri Mosque just like our Muslim brothers did. We even held protests but were not spared,” he recalls.
Read more at:

Anti-Hindu gesture of ‘Lions Club Of Pune Maitree’ on the occasion of Mahashivaratri !

Flex charts with a message inviting devotees saying, ‘Instead of doing abhishek (Consecration by ritualistic bathing with water, milk etc.) give that milk to orphans’, were put outside the Shivamandir on behalf of ‘Lions Club Of Pune Maitree’. (Will this organisation dare to tell Muslims that, instead of offering the sheet (Chadar) at Durgah which happens to be their ritual, offer it to poor ? Public has to go without food because of the Government’s vileness. Such organisations which, instead of taking Government officers to task, advising Hindus to restrain from following their religious rituals, are to be opposed constitutionally by Hindus ! – Editor, Dainik Snatan Prabhat)

Respect- Hindu-Americans aren’t writing off Sanskrit just yet

On a Wednesday night, Arshya Gurbani reaches into a white cabinet and wakes a couple Hindu gods from their slumber. She carefully lays out statues of Ganesh and Shiva on a table in preparation for aarti, a worship ritual that reminds Hindus to stay humble and give thanks for good fortune.
But Gurbani, 21, and the other members of the Hindu Student Organization at USC put their own modern spin on this ancient practice during their weekly meetings. They play the devotional song "Om Jai Jagdish Hare" on YouTube as they sing off computer printouts. And coupled with the Hindi songs are verses in Sanskrit, spelled out phonetically so anyone can follow along.
Read more at:

Finally progress!! Polio vaccination does not violate Sharia

The ulemas of Islamic Advisory Council (IAC) have declared the anti-polio drives in conformity with Sharia and violence against polio workers un-Islamic.
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Friday, February 28, 2014

Hindus in Patgram, Bangladesh 'unsure' of casting votes under threats

A good number of Hindu voters in Patgram upazila under the district are still uncertain about casting their votes in today's upazila election as activists of BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami attacked the people of the minority community before and after the January 5 national polls.
Meanwhile, alleged leaders of the attackers, district Jamaat member Abu Hena Md Ershad Hossain and Surah member of the organisation Ataur Rahman are contesting as chairman and vice chairman candidates in the upazila.
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Really!!! A fatwa against travel to Mars!!!

A religious watchdog in the United Arab Emirates has issued a fatwa against traveling to Mars with Dutch entrepreneur Bas Lansdorp’s project Mars One.
The organization, General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (GAIAE), has likened the voyage to committing suicide, something that is forbidden according to Islam.
“It is not permissible to travel to Mars and never to return if there is no life on Mars,” GAIAE said in a statement. “The chances of dying are higher than living.”
Read more: Fatwa Issued Against Mars Mission | TIME.com http://world.time.com/2014/02/27/islamic-watchdog-issues-fatwa-against-joining-the-mission-to-mars/#ixzz2ucWvciP5

Principal booked for asking Muslim student to cut beard in Moradabad

An FIR has been filed against the principal of a private college in Moradabad for reportedly refusing to give a Muslim student his admit card for the Class 12 board exams because he had not shaved his beard.
The case has been lodged against Wilsonia College principal, A S Santram, under IPC Section 298 (uttering words etc with deliberate intent to hurt religious feelings) at the Civil Lines police station. While Moradabad District Magistrate Sanjay Kumar has ordered a magisterial inquiry, SSP Ashutosh Kumar said the matter is being investigated.
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Hindus attacked, temples vandalized by Muslim culprits in Bangladesh. How can we still remain silent?

All the Muslims believe them most truthful and Islam is a religion of peace. And through a sane propaganda a major section of people also rely Muslims as civilized, truthful and peace lovers. Actually such believes are the main cause of a hard rape on truth and all the ghastly violations of peace.

Read further

We need more reservation- India's Christian and Muslim Dalits say they are more 'untouchable' than Hindus

India's Dalits were once known as untouchables in the days when the caste system had no laws against it.Although the federal government has tried to give Dalits a lift-up with affirmative action legislation, some Dalits says they are more untouchable than Dalitis from the Hindu majority.These are Christian and Muslim Dalits. Human Rights Watch in 2007 entitled the situation for Dalits: "India: 'Hidden Apartheid' of Discrimination Against Dalits."
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Haven't they done enough? UK based Christian group raises alarm over India's religious intolerance

As India approaches its general election, expected to take place in May, UK-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide has released a new briefing setting out a list of religious freedom concerns.
Published on February 27, CSW’s briefing, ‘India: Communalism in an Election Year’, outlines situations of ongoing concern in Odisha (formerly Orissa), Karnataka, and Rajasthan states.  It describes the typically long genesis of communal violence and the pattern of impunity afterwards, and argues the need for vigilance to avert possible future outbreaks of violence, especially in areas where Hindu extremist groups have been stoking tensions among adivasi (tribal) communities. It also highlights the statutory discrimination against Christian and Muslim Dalits, anti-conversion legislation, and censorship under blasphemy laws.
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Thursday, February 27, 2014


Aurangzeb, Emperor Shah Jahan‘s sixth son, was born on 24th October 1618 at Dohad in Madhya Pradesh, and wrested India’s crown from his father before the end of June 1658, after defeating his brother Prince Dara Shukoh‘s armies, first at Dharmat near Ujjain (15th April 1568) and the second, led by Dara himself, at Samugarh on 29th May 1658. The war of succession to the richest throne in the world was practically over with this victory, and Aurangzeb secured his position by making Murad, his brother and accomplice in his impetuous pursuit for power, his prisoner, by treachery, on 25th June. He had already made his old father Emperor Shah Jahan a prisoner in the Agra Fort (8th June 1658).

Shah Jahan survived his confinement by nearly eight years and the disgraceful manner of his burial will ever remain a stigma on this unscrupulous son Aurangzeb’s advent to the throne in his father’s life time was not welcomed by the people of India, because of the treacherous manner it was achieved; but public opinion became all the more hostile towards him when Prince Dara Shukoh, the favourite son of Shah Jahan, the translator of the Upanishads, and a truly liberal and enlightened Musalman, was taken prisoner on the Indian border, as he was going to Persia. Dara was paraded in a most undignified manner on the streets of Delhi on 29th August 1659. The French doctor, Bernier, was an eye-witness to the scene and was deeply moved by the popular sympathy for Dara which so much alarmed Aurangzeb that he contrived to have a decree from his clerics announcing death-sentence for his elder brother on the charge of apostasy.

Throughout the war of succession, Aurangzeb had maintained that he was not interested in acquiring the throne and that his only object was to ward off the threat to Islam, which was inevitable in case Dara Shukoh came to power. Many, including his brother Murad, were deceived by this posture. After his formal accession in Delhi (5th June 1659) he posed as a defender of Islam who would rule according to the directions of the Shariat, and with the advice of the clerics or Ulama for whom the doctrines, rules, principles and directives, as laid down and interpreted in the 7th and 8th century Arabia, Persia and Iraq, were inviolable and unchangeable in all conditions, in all countries, and for all times to come.

One of the main objectives of Aurangzeb’s policy was to demolish Hindu temples. When he ordered (13th October 1666) removal of the carved railing, which Prince Dara Shukoh had presented to the Keshava Rai Temple at the Krishna Janmabhumi in Mathura, he had observed ‘In the religion of the Musalmans it is improper even to look at a temple’, and that it was totally unbecoming of a Muslim to act like Dara Shukoh (Akhbarat (Aurangzeb’s Court Bulletin),  13th October 1666). This was followed by destruction of the famous Kalka Temple in Delhi (Akhbarat, 3rd and 12th September 1667).

In 1669, shortly after the death of Mirza Raja Jai Singh of Amber, a general order was issued (9th April 1669) for the demolition of temples and established schools of the Hindus throughout the empire and banning public worship. Soon after this the great Temple of Keshava Rai was destroyed (Jan.-Feb. 1670) and in its place a lofty mosque was erected. The idols, the author of Maasir-i-Alamgiri informs, were carried to Agra and buried under the steps of the mosque built by Begum Sahiba in order to be continually trodden upon, and the name of Mathura was changed to Islamabad. The painting below is thus no fancy imagination of the artist but depicts what actually took place.

This was followed by Aurangzeb’s order to demolish the highly venerated Temple of Vishwanath at Banaras, Keshava Rai Temple (Jan.-Feb. 1670), and of Somanatha. To save the idol of Shri Nathji from being desecrated, the Gosain carried it to Rajputana, where Maharana Raj Singh received it formally at Sihad village, assuring the priest that Aurangzeb would have to trample over the bodies of one lakh of his brave Rajputs, before he could even touch the idol. 

Aurangzeb’s zeal for temple destruction became much more intense during war conditions. The opportunity to earn religious merit by demolishing hundreds of temples soon came to him in 1679 when, after the death of Maharaja Jaswant Singh of Jodhpur in the Kabul Subah, he tried to eliminate the Rathors of Marwar as a political power in Rajputana. But Maharana Raj Singh of Mewar, in line with the great traditions of his House, came out in open support of the Rathors.. This led to war with both Mewar and Marwar during which the temples built on the bank of Rana’s lake were destroyed by his orders (Akhbarat, 23rd December 1679) and also about three hundred other temples in the environs of Udaipur, including the famous Jagannath Rai Temple built at a great cost in front of the Maharana’s palace which was bravely defended by a handful of Rajputs.

Not only this, when Aurangzeb visited Chittor to have a view of the famous fort, he ordered the demolition of 63 temples there which included some of the finest temples of Kumbha’s time. From Marwar (in Western Rajasthan) alone were brought several cart-loads of idols which, as per Aurangzeb’s orders, were cast in the yard of the court and under the steps of Jama Masjid. Such uncivilized and arrogant conduct of the Mughal Emperor alienated Hindus for ever, though they continued to be tolerant towards his creed.

In June 1681, orders, in a laconic two-liner, were given for the demolition of the highly venerated Jagannath Temple in Orissa (Akhbarat, 1st June 1681). Shortly afterwards, in September 1682, the famous Bindu-Madhav Temple in Banaras was also demolished as per the Emperor’s orders (Akhbarat, Julus 26, Ramzan 20). On 1st September 1681, while proceeding to the Deccan, where his rebel son Prince Akbar, escorted by Durga Das Rathore, had joined Chhatrapati Shivaji‘s son, Shambhaji, thus creating a serious problem for him, Aurangzeb ordered that all the temples on the way should be destroyed. It was a comprehensive order not distinguishing between old and newly built temples (Akhbarat, Julus 25, Ramzan 18). But in the district of Burhanpur, where there were a large number of temples with their doors closed, he preferred to keep them as such, as the Muslims were too few in number in the district (Akhbarat, 13th October 1681). In his religious frenzy, even temples of the loyal and friendly Amber state were not spared, such as the famous Temple of Jagdish at Goner near Amber (Akhbarat, 28th March and 14th May 1680). In fact, his misguided ardour for temple destruction did not abate almost up to the end of his life, for as late as 1st January 1705 we find him ordering that the Vithoba Temple of Pandharpur be demolished and the butchers of the camp be sent to slaughter cows in the temple precincts (Akhbarat, 49-7).

The number of such ruthless acts of Aurangzeb make a long list but here only a few have been mentioned, supported by evidence, mostly contemporary official records of Aurangzeb’s period and by such credible Persian sources as Maasir-i-Alamgiri.

In obedience to the Quranic injunction, he reimposed Jizyah on the Hindus on 2nd April 1679, which had been abolished by Emperor Akbar in 1564, causing widespread anger and resentment among the Hindus of the country. A massive peaceful demonstration against this tax in Delhi, was ruthlessly crushed. This hated tax involved heavy economic burden on the vast number of the poor Hindus and caused humiliation to each and every Hindu. In the same vein, were his discriminatory measures against Hindus in the form of exemption of the Muslims from the taxes (Akhbarat, 16th April 1667), ban on Atishbazi (fireworks) and restriction on Diwali, replacement of Hindu officials by Muslims so that the Emperor’s prayers for the welfare of Muslims and glory of Islam, which were proving ineffective, be answered. He also imposed a ban on ziyarat (pilgrimage) and gathering of the Hindus at religious shrines, such as of Shitla Mata and folk Gods like Pir Pabu, another ban on their travelling in palkis (sedan chairs), or riding elephants and Arab-Iraqi horses, as Hindus should not carry themselves with the same dignity as the Muslims! In the same vein came brazen attempts to convert Hindus by inducement, coercion or by offering qanungoship (district administrator ?) and to honour the converts in the open Court. His personal directions were that a Hindu male be given Rs. 4 and a Hindu female Rs. 2 on conversion (7th April 1685). “Go on giving them”, Aurangzeb had ordered when it was reported to him that the Faujdar of Bithur, Shaikh Abdul Momin, had converted 150 Hindus and had given them naqd (cash) and saropas (dresses of honour) (Akhbarat, 11th April 1667). Such display of Islamic orthodoxy by the state under Aurangzeb gave strength and purpose to the resistance movements such as of the Marathas, the Jats, the Bundelas and the Sikhs.

On the 12th May 1666, the dignity with which Shivaji carried himself in the Mughal court and defied the Emperor’s authority, won him spontaneous admiration of the masses. Parkaldas, an official of Amber (Jaipur State) wrote in his letter dated 29th May 1666, to his Diwan. “Now that after coming to the Emperor’s presence Shivaji has shown such audacity and returned harsh and strong replies, the public extols him for his bravery all the more….”  When Shivaji passed away on April 1680 at the age of 53 only, he had already carved a sufficiently large kingdom, his Swarajya, both along the western coast and some important areas in the east as well.

Aurangzeb could never pardon himself for his lack of intelligence in letting him escape from his well laid trap and wrote in his Will that it made him “to labour hard (against the Marathas) to the end of my life (as a result of it)”. He did not realize that it was his own doing: the extremely cruel manner even for those times – in which he put to death Shivaji’s eldest son, Shambhaji made the Maratha king a martyr in the eyes of the masses and with that commenced the people’s war in Maharashtra and the Deccan which dug the grave of the Mughal empire.

Till the very end Aurangzeb never understood that the main pillars of the government are the affection and support of the people and not mere compliance of the religious directives originating from a foreign land in the seventh-eighth centuries.

His death after a long and ruinous reign lasting half a century, ended an eventful epoch in the history of India. He left behind a crumbling empire, a corrupt and inefficient administration, a demoralized army, a discredited government facing public bankruptcy and alienated subjects. – Aurangzeb Info Home 

Mogul Empire

Mughal Empire map based on sheet o A 16 A of Irfan Habib’s “An Atlas of Mughal Empire”, Oxford Univ. Press, Delhi. (1982)

Prince Dara Shukoh translating the Upanishads.

Prince Dara Shukoh translating the Upanishads

Prince Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of Emperor Shah Jahan, was like his great ancestor Akbar, a very liberal and enlightened Musalman and a true seeker of truth. Akbar respected all religions – Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc., and gave their votaries complete religious freedom. He was ever keen to discuss and understand their religious beliefs, practices and philosophy and, in order to make the Musalmans familiar with the culture, and universal values, philosophy and traditions of India, he had the great epics of India – Ramayana and Mahabharat – translated into Persian. He also arranged for the translation of the Atharvaveda.

Continuing the unfinished work of Emperor Akbar, Prince Dara Shukoh too, assisted by the Indian scholars, translated Bhagvad Gita, Prabodha Chandrodaya (a philosophical drama written in 1060 A.D.), and Yoga Vashishtha into Persian. He also translated the Upanishads, which are the fountain-head of Indian philosophy, with the help of learned pandits from Banaras, well versed in the Vedas and the Upanishads. The translation of the Upanishads by him entitled Sirr-i-Akbar (The Grand Secret) was completed on the 28th June 1657, shortly before the commencement of the war of succession, which he lost to his crafty and unscrupulous brother, Aurangzeb who ruled India from 1659-1707.

In the painting, Dara is shown translating the Upanishads, assisted by Indian scholars. – Exhibit No. 2 

Prince Dara Shukoh paraded in public before being executed by his younger brother Aurangzeb on 29th April 1659.

Prince Dara being paraded in Delhi before his execution – 29th April 1659

The painting based on Dr. Bernier’s eyewitness account, shows captive Dara Shukoh and his son being carried on an elephant on the streets of Delhi, girt round by troops ready to foil any attempt to rescue the prisoner, and led by Bahadur Shah on an elephant. Behind Prince Dara Shukoh is Nazar Beg, their goaler. Dara is shown throwing his wrapper to a beggar who had cried out, “Dara! When you were master, you always gave me alms, today I know well thou hast naught to give”. Describing the scene Bernier writes, “The crowd assembled was immense; and everywhere I observed the people weeping and lamenting the fate of Dara in the most touching language … men, women and children were wailing as if some mighty calamity had happened to themselves”.

The outburst of popular sympathy for Dara Shukoh and the contemptuous response which Aurangzeb had received from the people for his outrageous treatment of his brother made him procure in all haste a decree from the Islamic clerics in his own pay, and had his elder brother beheaded on the charge of apostasy.

This was a sad end of a genuine seeker of truth, translator of the Upanishads, author of many works on Sufi philosophy, and one who could have revived and carried the enlightened policies of his great ancestor Akbar to fulfillment. – Exhibit No. 3 

Aurangzeb's firman against the Keshava Rai Temple in Mathura issued Rabi II 24 / 13 October 1666.

Keshava Rai Temple: “Even to look at a temple is a sin for a Musalman”, stated Aurangzeb. Umurat-i-Hazur Kishwar-Kashai Julus (R.Yr.) 9, Rabi II 24 / 13 October 1666

“It was reported to the Emperor (Aurangzeb) that in the Temple of Keshava Rai at Mathura, there is a stone railing presented by Bishukoh (one without dignity i.e. Prince Dara, Aurangzeb’s elder brother). On hearing of it, the Emperor observed, “In the religion of the Musalmans it is improper even to look at a temple and this Bishukoh has installed this kathra (barrier railing). Such an act is totally unbecoming of a Musalman. This railing should be removed (forthwith)”. His Majesty ordered Abdun Nabi Khan to go and remove the kathra, which is in the middle of the temple. The Khan went and removed it. After doing it he had audience. He informed that the idol of Keshava Rai is in the inner chamber. The railing presented by Dara was in front of the chamber and that, formerly, it was of wood. Inside the kathra used to stand the sevakas of the shrine (pujaris) and outside it stood the people (khalq)”.


Aurangzeb’s solemn observation recorded in his own court’s bulletin that “In the religion of the Musalmans it is improper even to look at a temple” and therefore, presentation of a stone railing to Keshava Rai Temple by Dara was “totally unbecoming of a Musalman” casts serious doubts about a few instances of religious toleration and temple grants attributed to him. Only two years before his long awaited death, he had ordered (1st January 1705) to “demolish the Temple of Pandharpur and to take the butchers of the camp there and slaughter cows in the temple…. It was done” (Akhbarat, 49-7, cited in J.N. Sarkar, Aurangzeb, Vol.III, 189). ‘It was reported to the Emperor (Aurangzeb) that in the Temple of Keshava Rai at Mathura, there is a stone railing presented by Bishukoh (one without dignity i.e. Prince Dara, Aurangzeb’s elder brother). On hearing of it, the Emperor observed, “In the religion of the Musalmans it is improper even to look at a temple and this Bishukoh has installed this kathra (barrier railing). Such an act is totally unbecoming of a Musalman. This railing should be removed (forthwith)”. His Majesty ordered Abdun Nabi Khan to go and remove the kathra, which is in the middle of the temple. The Khan went and removed it. After doing it he had audience. He informed that the idol of Keshava Rai is in the inner chamber. The railing presented by Dara was in front of the chamber and that, formerly, it was of wood. Inside the kathra used to stand the sevakas of the shrine (pujaris) and outside it stood the people (khalq)’. – Exhibit No. 6 

Demolition of the Keshava Rai Temple at the Krishna Janmabhumi, Mathura

Demolition of Keshava Rai Temple at the Krishna Janmabhumi, Mathura  - 13th January – 11th February 1670

The great Temple of Keshava Rai at Mathura was built by Bir Singh Deo Bundela during Jahangir’s time at a cost of thirty-three lakhs of rupees. The Dehra of Keshava Rai was one of the most magnificent temples ever built in India and enjoyed veneration of the Hindus throughout the land [as it stood at Sri Krishna's birth place]. Prince Dara Shukoh, who was looked upon by the masses as the future Emperor, had presented a carved stone railing to the temple which was installed in front of the deity at some distance; the devotees stood outside this railing to have darshan of Keshava Rai. The railing was removed on Auranzeb’s orders in October 1666.

The Dehra of Keshava Rai was demolished in the month of Ramzan, 1080 A.H. (13th January – 11th February 1670) by Aurangzeb’s order. “In a short time, by the great exertion of the officers, the destruction of this strong foundation of infidelity was accomplished and on its site a lofty mosque was built at the expenditure of a large sum”. To the author of Maasir-i-‘Alamigiri, the accomplishment of this “seemingly impossible work was an instance of the strength of the Emperor’s faith”. Even more disgraceful was transporting the idols to Agra and burying them under the steps of the mosque of the Begum Sahib “in order to be continually trodden upon”.

The painting shows the demolition of the great temple, on Aurngzeb’s orders in progress and subsequent uncivilized conduct towards the idols. – Exhibit No. 13

Aurangzeb's firman ordering the demolition of the Kalka-Temple on Rabi I, 23 / 3 September 1667.

Demolition of Kalka Temple – I. Siyah Waqa’i- Darbar Regnal Year 10, Rabi I, 23 / 3 September 1667

“The asylum of Shariat (Shariat Panah) Qazi Abdul Muqaram has sent this arzi to the sublime Court: a man known to him told him that the Hindus gather in large numbers at Kalka’s Temple near Barahapule (near Delhi); a large crowd of the Hindus is seen here. Likewise, large crowds are seen at (the mazars) of Khwaja Muinuddin, Shah Madar and Salar Masud Ghazi. This amounts to bid‘at (heresy) and deserves consideration. Whatever orders are required should be issued.

Saiyid Faulad Khan was thereupon ordered (by the Emperor) to send one hundred beldars to demolish the Kalka Temple and other temples in its neighbourhood which were in the Faujdari of the Khan himself; these men were to reach there post haste, and finish the work without a halt”.


Kalkaji’s Temple which stands today was rebuilt soon after Aurangzeb’s death (1707 A.D.) on the remains of the old temple dedicated to Goddess Kali. The two Akhbarat dated R. Yr. 10, Rabi I, 23 and Rabi II, 3 (Sept. 3 and Sept. 12, 1667) provide details regarding the demolition of the temple on Aurangzeb’s orders. Since 1764, the temple has been renovated and altered several times but the main 18th century structure more or less remains the same. The site is very old dating back to Emperor Asoka’s time (3rd century B.C.). There is mention of Kalkaji in the Maratha records of 1738. People flock to the temple in large numbers especially during Navratri. –  Exhibit No. 7 

Aurangzeb's firman regarding the demolition of the Kalkaji Temple in Delhi on Rabi I, 23 / 3 September 1667.

Demolition of Kalka Temple II. Siyah Akhbarat-i-Darbar-i-Mu‘alla Julus 10, Rabi II 3 / 12 September 1667

“Saiyad Faulad Khan reported that in compliance with the orders, beldars were sent to demolish the Kalka Temple which task they have done. During the course of the demolition, a Brahmin drew out a sword, killed a bystander and then turned back and attacked the Saiyad also. The Brahmin was arrested”.


There are only a few recorded instances of armed opposition by outraged Hindus, such as at Goner (near Jaipur), Ujjain, Udaipur and Khandela, but there must have been many more such instances of angry outbursts and resistance against Muslim vandalism which do not find mention in the official papers of Emperor Aurangzeb.

Most of the Hindus took the destruction of these temples philosophically considering these as acts of ignorance and folly for a vain purpose. They regarded that it was beyond the understanding or intelligence of the Musalmans to comprehend the principle behind the idol worship or the fundamental oneness of saguna and nirguna worship. The Hindus believed that the Gods and Goddesses leave for their abode before the hatchet or the hammer of the vile “mlecchas” or “asuras” so much as even touched the idols. The idea has been well described in Kanhadade Prabandha (written in 1456 A.D.) when giving an account of the destruction of the Somnath Temple by Sultan Alauddin‘s troops in 1299. – Exhibit No. 8 

Aurangzeb's firman ordering the demolition of the Vishwanath Temple at Varanasi in  August 1669 A.D.

Demolition of the Temple of Viswanath, Varanasi – August 1669 A.D.

It was reported that, “according to the Emperor’s command, his officers had demolished the Temple of Viswanath at Kashi”. (Maasiri-‘ Alamgiri, 88)


Kashi is one of the mort sacred towns in India and reference to the worship of Shiva as Vishveshvara goes back to very early times. Kashi itself enjoys highest sanctity since times immemorial. According to the Puranas, every foot-step taken in Kashi Kshetra has the sanctity of making a pilgrimage to a tirtha. Lord Vishvanatha is regarded as the protector of Kashi and the belief is that one earns great religious merit by having darshan of the deity after having bathed in the Ganges. After destruction of the temple on Aurangzeb’s orders, a mosque was built which still stands there as a testimony of the great tolerance and spirit of forgiveness of the Hindus even towards those who had for centuries desecrated and destroyed their temples and other places of worship and learning, and also as a lesson that “mutually uncongenial cultures”, when forced by circumstances to intermingle in the same geographical area, result in such calamities. A portion of the sculpture of the demolished temple, probably built in the late 16th century, still survives to tell the fate of Aurangzeb’s vandalism and barbarity. The present temple of Vishveshvara was built by Rani Ahilya Bai Holkar of Indore. – Exhibit No. 11 

Aurangzeb's general order for the demolition of Hindu temples (9th April 1669) included the Somnath Temple in Gujarat.

Demolition of the Somnath Temple

About the time the general order for destruction of Hindu temples was issued (9th April 1669), the highly venerated Temple of Somanath built on the sea-shore in Kathaiwad was also destroyed. The famous temple was dedicated to Lord Shiva. In the 11th century, the temple was looted and destroyed by Mahmud Ghaznavi. It was rebuilt by King Bhim Deva Solanki of Gujarat and again renovated by Kumarapal in 1143-44 A.D. The temple was again destroyed by Alauddin Khalji’s troops in 1299. In a rare description of the scene of a temple destruction, like of which continued to occur time and again during the long and disastrous rule of the Musalman rulers in India, we have the following account. “The mlechchha stone breakers”, writes Padmanabha in his classic work “climbed up the shikhar of the temple and began to rain blows on the stone idols on all three sides by their hammers, the stone pieces falling all around. They loosened every joint of the temple building, and then began to break the different layers (thara) and the sculptured elephants and horses carved on them by incessant blows of their hammers. Then, amidst loud and vulgar clamour, they began to apply force from both the sides to uproot the massive idol by means of wooden beams and iron crowbars” (Kaanhadade Prabandha, Canto I, Vs. 94-96).

After the destruction of the Somnath Temple during Alauddin’s time, it was rebuilt again. When Aurangzeb gave orders for its destruction, the scene must have been little different from the one described by Padmanabha. The artist in his painting has tried to recreate the scene. – Exhibit No. 14 

Hindus forced to pay the jizya tax.

Hindus forced to suffer humiliation by paying the Jizyah tax

On 2nd April 1679, Aurangzeb re-imposed Jizyah upon the Hindus which had been abolished by Emperor Akbar in 1564. The author of Maasir-i-Alamgiri writes: ‘As all the aims of the religious Emperor (Aurangzeb) were directed to the spreading of the law of Islam and the overthrow of the practices of the infidelity, he issued orders … that from Wednesday, the 2nd April 1679/1st Rabi I, in obedience to the Qur’anic injunction, “till they pay Jizyah with the hand of humility”, and in agreement with the canonical traditions, Jizyah should be collected from the infidels (zimmis) of the capital and the provinces’.

The economic burden of Jizyah was felt most by the poor who formed the vast majority of the Hindus; for the middle classes and the rich, it was not so much the economic burden which mattered but the humiliation involved in the prescribed mode of payment, which the Jizyah collector could always insist upon, as of right i.e. by insisting that he would accept it only when paid personally. The Qur’anic injunction that war must be made upon all those who do not profess Islam “till they pay Jizyah out of their hand and they are humiliated”, was interpreted to mean that the Hindus must be made conscious of their inferior position when paying this tax.

In the painting, a number of Hindus, both rich and poor are lining up to pay Jizyah while the arrogant Jizyah collector is picking up the coins from the palm of a Hindu Jizyah payer. Some people have come from the neighbouring areas in their bullock-carts; their bullocks are resting under the shade of the trees. – Exhibit No. 18  

Hindus forbidden to ride in palkis or on horses.

Restrictions on Hindus: Forbidden to travel in palkis or ride on elephants and Arab-Iraqi horses

In March 1695, all the Hindus, with the exception of the Rajputs, were forbidden to travel in palkis (litters), or ride on elephants or thorough-bred horses, or to carry arms. (Muntakhab-ul-Lubab, ii, 395; Maasir-i-Alamgiri, 370 and News Letter, 11 December 1694).

In the sketch, well to do Hindus are being made to alight from palki (sedan chair), elephant and good horse by Mughal officers. The need to issue this derogatory order was the requirement also recorded in Fatwa-i-‘Alamgiri, that Hindus should not be allowed to look like Muslims, that is carry themselves with the same dignity. The folly and futility, or even danger of applying or observing the guiding principles, practices and law prescribed, interpreted, or recommended in the seventh and eighth centuries in Arabia, after a lapse of ten centuries in a country like India, was never realized by the Muslim clerics or their Emperor. – Exhibit No. 36 

Shivaji leaving Aurangzeb's court in anger.

Shivaji leaving Aurangzeb’s court in anger

Shivaji reached Agra on the 12th May 1666 by noon, and had to be rushed to the court to attend the special darbar on Aurangzeb’s 50th lunar birthday. Shivaji was presented to the Emperor by Asad Khan in the Diwan-i-Khas and was then directed to stand in the line of 5 hazari mansabdars (rank holders). “The Emperor neither talked nor addressed any word to him”. The work of the court proceeded and Shivaji seemed to have been forgotten.

Shivaji was not expecting this kind of reception. He was very much upset when Kumar Ram Singh (son of Mirza Raja Jai Singh of Amber), in response to his query, informed him that the noble standing in front of him was Maharaja Jaswant Singh of Jodhpur. He flared up “Jaswant, whose back my soldiers have seen! I to stand behind him? What it all means”?

He was made to feel neglected in other ways also. At this he began to fret and “his eyes became wet with anger”. The Emperor noticed the commotion and told Ram Singh, “Ask Shivaji, what ails him”. When Kumar came, Shivaji burst forth, “You have seen, your father has seen, and your Padishah has seen, what sort of man I am, and you have wilfully made me stand up so long. I cast off your mansab ….”

After saying this he then and there turned his back to the throne and rudely walked away. Kumar Ram Singh caught hold of his hand, but Shivaji wrenched it away….

In the painting, the above scene, based on a contemporary letter, has been depicted. Shivaji is shown coming out of the court in great anger, his back towards Aurangzeb, his sword half drawn, and Kumar Ram Singh of Amber trying in vain to pacify him. Wrote Parkaldas of Amber to the State’s Diwan in his letter of 29th May 1666, “The people had been praising Shivaji’s high spirit and courage before. Now that after coming to the Emperor’s presence he has shown such audacity and returned harsh and strong replies, the public extols him for his bravery all the more…. - Exhibit No. 37

Hindu court officials forcefully converted to Islam.

Aurangzeb restoring the office of ‘qanungoship’ to Hindu officials who were forced to become Musalmen

Qanungoship (district official) on becoming Musalman: There are a large number of Akhbarat (Aurangzeb’s Court Bulletins) which mention that either Qanungoi was restored on becoming Musalman, or that a person or persons were appointed Qanungos on accepting Islam, or that they agreed to become Musalman, obviously under pressure or as inducement.

A typical entry in the Akhbarat, such as of R. Yr. 10, Zilqada / April 22, 1667, reads “Makrand etc., in all four persons, became Musalman. The Qanungoi of Parganah Khohri was restored to them. Four Khil‘ats were conferred upon them”. Sir Jadunath Sarkar is right in saying that “Qanungoship on becoming a Muslim”, had become a proverb.

As Qanungo had intimate knowledge of the customs and tenures of the land, he could serve as the best agent for protecting the interests of the Musalmans and in extending influence of Islam in the rural areas. The sketch shows four Qanungos being restored their Qanungoi on becoming Musalman.