Sunday, March 2, 2014

Anti-Hindu gesture of ‘Lions Club Of Pune Maitree’ on the occasion of Mahashivaratri !

Flex charts with a message inviting devotees saying, ‘Instead of doing abhishek (Consecration by ritualistic bathing with water, milk etc.) give that milk to orphans’, were put outside the Shivamandir on behalf of ‘Lions Club Of Pune Maitree’. (Will this organisation dare to tell Muslims that, instead of offering the sheet (Chadar) at Durgah which happens to be their ritual, offer it to poor ? Public has to go without food because of the Government’s vileness. Such organisations which, instead of taking Government officers to task, advising Hindus to restrain from following their religious rituals, are to be opposed constitutionally by Hindus ! – Editor, Dainik Snatan Prabhat)

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