Friday, February 28, 2014

Haven't they done enough? UK based Christian group raises alarm over India's religious intolerance

As India approaches its general election, expected to take place in May, UK-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide has released a new briefing setting out a list of religious freedom concerns.
Published on February 27, CSW’s briefing, ‘India: Communalism in an Election Year’, outlines situations of ongoing concern in Odisha (formerly Orissa), Karnataka, and Rajasthan states.  It describes the typically long genesis of communal violence and the pattern of impunity afterwards, and argues the need for vigilance to avert possible future outbreaks of violence, especially in areas where Hindu extremist groups have been stoking tensions among adivasi (tribal) communities. It also highlights the statutory discrimination against Christian and Muslim Dalits, anti-conversion legislation, and censorship under blasphemy laws.
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